This is the last entry of the blog! This year it’s the last in Castelló and we leave the IES to go to the university! I am going to the university in Girona, known as UdG, to study philosophy.
But, before that, we have to pass the “selectivitat”. In few days we will start classes to revise and in one month we have to do the exam! Some people are very nervous, but I am not for the moment. Maybe I am calm because I have stayed in selectivity the last two years with my cousin and I know how is all. But I’m sure that the days before I will be very nervous too.
After the exam we start summer, and we have decided to go on a trip before starting working, but we already haven’t decided where we will go. Some of us want go to Tunisia, others to Malta and others to Sevilla.
Well I don’t know what else I can explain and…this will be continuated by second batxillerat pupils next year..jeje!